Please complete the form below to submit your content contributions for Security Buyer Live 2024. 

The submission process: 
You can submit content contributions based on the topics of discussion on the previous page; if you wish to submit content under a different topic that still adheres to this year’s themes, you are welcome to do so. 

Please ensure:
That your submissions contain accurate and up-to-date details of the speaker: including name, job title, location and contact information. Failure to do so will result in your submission being voided by our approval process. 

Any queries or further assistance needed with the application process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Security Buyer Managing Editor, Rebecca Spayne: 

Please note: Call for Content for our May instalment has now closed and your submission may only be considered for our next event.


We will be in touch after our Call for Content closes, and the submissions have been graded.